The following Extech Instruments manuals, or owner's guides, are available for download from our server. Choose the link that corresponds to the Extech Instruments model's manual you wish to download.
Choose the model of Extech Instruments manual:
- 3-4135-A - Oyster Series Meter
- 3-41350 - Oyster Series Meter
- 3-41350-P - Oyster Series Meter
- 3-41450 - Oyster Series Meter
- 3-41450-P - Oyster Series Meter
- 3-4145A - Oyster Series Meter
- 380460 - Milliohm Meter
- 380462 - Milliohm Meter
- 380652 - Milliohm Meter
- 380801 - Power Analyzer
- 380803 - Power Analyzer
- 380946 - Dca/Aca Clamp-On Multimeter Adaptor
- 380947 - True Rms Ac/Dc Mini Clamp Meter
- 380974 - Ac Clamp Meter And Phase Rotation Tester
- 382260 - Switching Dc Power Supply
- 407113 - Thermometer
- 407744 - Sound Level Calibrators
- 407766 - Sound Level Calibrators
- 421509 - Thermometer
- 42265 - Thermometer
- 42275 - Thermometer
- 42500 - Mini Infrared Thermometer
- 42530 - Thermometer
- 42580 - Thermometer
- 42582 - Thermometer
- 433201A - Microprocessor Calibrator/Thermometer
- 433202A - Microprocessor Calibrator/Thermometer
- 445715 - Thermometer
- 445814 - Humidity Alert
- 451104 - Thermometer
- 470 - Thermometer
- 480823 - Electromagnetic Field Meter
- AN200 - Thermometer
- AN500 - Thermometer
- DV30 - Ac Voltage Detector
- EA20 - Thermometer
- EA31 - Digital Light Meter
- EC400 - Thermometer
- EX505 - Autoranging True Rms Multimeter
- EX613 - True Rms Ac/Dc Clamp Meter
- ex622 - Thermometer
- Extech 430 - Digital Multimeter
- EZ40 - Combustible Gas Leak Detector
- HW30 - Heat Watch
- IR100 - Thermometer
- IR201A - Thermometer
- MG500 - High Voltage Insulation Tester
- MO100 - Moisture Detector
- MPP-II - Printer
- MPP-III - Printer
- MSP-II - Printer
- MSP-III - Printer
- MV110 - Digital Multimeter
- MV120 - Digital Multimeter
- MV130 - Digital Multimeter
- RH520 - Humidity-Temperature Chart Recorder
- S3750THS - Printer
- S4500THS - Printer
- SW276 - Thermometer
- TM100 - Thermometer